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But the most mysterious thing is invisible: according to a former CIA analyst, theres someone who has ordered tons of satellite photos of this area since 2004. Harvey Krueger: Chairman of Lehman Brothers Bank of NY. Osamma bin Laden vznesl vzkaz americkemu lidu s varovanim do budoucna:So we tell the American as people,and we tell the mothers of solders and American mothers in general,taht if they value their lives and lives of their children,to find the nationalist government that will look after interest and not the interest of the Jews. tens of centuries, of degradation, the Jewish mind exercises a vast influence on the affairs of Europe. Oct 19, 2007] 300 million the last time I counted, but we would have to go to the US Census site to get the latest official story. Nakonec marxuv boj proti burzoasii v dnesnich dnech by nebyl spatny napad,co rikate. Rozdrobit narodni jednotu,znicit prava obcanu,zmenit duchovni zakony a zvyky na cestu celosvetove moralni korupce ,kde jedinym zakonem bude zakon mamonu jemuz podridi naprosto vsechno,zatimco novy vladci budou pevne drzet sve zakony, kde multikulturarismus nebude mit naprosto zadne misto,coz pristi vladci zcela otevrene zduraznuji. Jina zprava rika,jak doktori-vedci-vrahove krizi lidske bunky se zvirecimi a jini zase chteji utvorit umeleho cloveka s naprogramovanym genetickym mechanismem pujcce 1000 dollars. Plan je prosty,pouzit cernochu a jinych k rozbiti krestanskych rodin,statu,zrizeni, pomoci multikulturarismu,jez neni povolen v Israelu pujcce 1000 dollars. Odmítne-li, slibuji, že dokud budu králem, nepovedu proti ní válku. htmlJestlize,nekdo chce byt dobrym krestanem,tak na to nepotrebuje velke divadlo Vatikanu, takovy clovek muze spouzit svym bliznim prikladem dobreho cloveka,bez uplatku a darecku. Revoluce v Rusku byla dovezena z Ameriky Bronsteinem-Trockym a tak se ted revoluce muze vratit zpet odkud prisla,pokud nedojde k celosvetove revoluci a mnohym byvalym internacinalistum nezacne bolet hlava z nove internacinaly ale se stejnym vysledkem v boji proti nadvlade hrstky vlivnych a v bohatstvi nijak neomezenych. Henry Kissinger: "If You Cant Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf"Kdo neslysi valecne bubny,tak, musi byt hluchy pujcce 1000 dollars. Proto, muzem cist i clanek "Bachmann worries Israel to be target of nuclear war"-zde,"americti" maji strach o Israel,ne o svet a nebo Ameriku,jen a jen Israel. Mnoho lidi si naivne mysli,ze Internet je posledni krestanska sance,ale ,opak je pravdou i Internet je v cenzurováno. saw bones of monks made into fanciful designs in vault pujcce 1000 dollars. Of these 3281 are strategic nuclear warheads. Rovnez si pripomente Rotschildaejte mi kontrolu penez a mne nezajima jaka bude vlada. V Amsterdamu vedec vynalezl smrtici bakterie ,jez muzou vyhubit vetsinu lidstva v nekolika dnech. 2012 00:56Sloni umírají pomalu a bolestivěKdyby, mel Pan Buh zachranovat, tak nevi, kam driv skocit1Robert Nohejl 61 pujcce 1000 dollars. Dale pan Bauschild rekl, ze s jednim "rudym komisarem", mel rozhovor, kteremu rekl, ze i kdyz Nemecko prohralo, tak je rad, ze krveproliti na fronte prestalo,ale,dockal se vsak prekvapeni. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. Its located in Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Gansu, north of the Shule River, which crosses the Tibetan Plateau to the west into the Kumtag Desert. Charles Davis prophesies,If world government is not establised before this war is over,the world will be headed toward a third World War,on the soil of the United States pujcce 1000 dollars. Like the missing trillions they refuse to investigate or. Jestli kalkulujete ze budete mezi temi 144000 zmrtvyvstanych ,tak jste na pujcce 1000 dollars omylu. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavour to pujcce 1000 dollars instil in the Whites a guilt complex for exploiting the Negroes. ge money spotřebitelské úvěry
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