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Through the analysis of observational data on earth tides, the tidal factors of earth tideswere acquired půjčky Štětí. 02 和 8 10,要探测如此微弱的潮汐信号,除了要有良好的仪器设计、精密的传感器以及观测环境外,采集系统的精确性、准确性以及长期稳定性也至关重要。我所从事的研究工作:1、对重力和倾斜潮汐的观测采集以及相应的数据处理,即利用现有观测平台的观测仪器,获取了大量的潮汐信息,通过对固体潮观测数据的分析处理,得到了固体潮的潮汐因子。2、基于原有采集系统在一定程度上提高了实验观测的精度以及观测平台的长期稳定性,构建一个精准、稳定、可视性强和具有较高采样率的固体潮及长周期慢形变仪器的通用数据采集系统,从而获取更为丰富的地球物理信息。关键词:固体潮重力仪倾斜仪潮汐因子调和分析华中科技大学硕士学位论文IIAbstractEarth Tides and the long periodic slow deformation signals are discussed mainly as thesignal with low frequency in this paper. Earth Tides is a subject which holds a key positionin relation to půjčky Štětí geophysics, geodesy and astronomy, since it is a phenomenon which consistsof an elastic-viscous deformation of the terrestrial globe, and this is caused by thegravitational action of the Moon, the Sun, and other Heavenly Bodies. 更多该用户其他文档 50 低频信号的精确采集和处理 101 低频率射频诱导的磁流体热疗治疗大鼠移植性皮. It is significant tomeasure the earth tides because it is not only an important way to understand a number ofgeophysical phenomena and the internal structure of the earth, but also very valuable in theresearch on great natural disasters, such as the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. 02 和 8 10,要探测如此微弱的潮汐信号,除了要有良好的仪器设计、精密的传感器以及观测环境外,采集系统的精确性、准确性以及长期稳定性也至关重要。我所从事的研究工作:1、对重力和倾斜潮汐的观测采集以及相应的数据处理,即利用现有观测平台的观测仪器,获取了大量的潮汐信息,通过对固体潮观测数据的分析处理,得到了固体潮的潮汐因子。2、基于原有采集系统在一定程度上提高了实验观测的精度以及观测平台的长期稳定性,构建一个精准、稳定、可视性强和具有较高采样率的固体潮及长周期慢形变仪器的通用数据采集系统,从而获取更为丰富的地球物理信息。关键词:固体潮重力仪倾斜仪潮汐因子调和分析华中科技大学硕士学位论文IIAbstractEarth Tides and the long periodic slow deformation signals are discussed mainly as thesignal with low frequency in this paper. In order to půjčky Štětí detectsignals so weak tidal signals, besides having a good instrument design, precise sensors andobserving the environment, the precision, the accuracy and the long-term stability of thecollection system are also vital. Earth Tides is a subject which holds a key positionin relation to geophysics, geodesy and astronomy, since it is a phenomenon which consistsof an elastic-viscous deformation of the terrestrial globe, and this is caused by thegravitational action of the Moon, the Sun, and other Heavenly Bodies. The solid earth tides include gravity tides, strain tides and tilt tides. Recently, I have engaged in the research work of gravity and tilt tides on theobservations, collection and the corresponding data processing. Using of observationequipments existing observation platforms, we acquired a large number of tidal information. To obtain richer geophysical information, based on the original collectionsystem, we improved the precision experimental observation of the long-term stability andobservation platform to půjčky Štětí a certain extent and build a precision, stability, and a highersampling rate and long cycle of data collection system. Through the analysis of observational data on earth tides, the tidal factors of earth tideswere acquired. The solid earth tides include gravity tides, strain tides and tilt tides. To obtain richer geophysical information, based on the original collectionsystem, we improved the precision experimental observation of the long-term stability andobservation platform to a certain extent and build a precision, stability, and a highersampling rate and long cycle of data collection system. In order to detectsignals so weak tidal signals, besides having a good instrument design, precise sensors andobserving the environment, the precision, the accuracy and the long-term stability of thecollection system are also vital. It is significant tomeasure the earth tides because it is not only an important way to půjčky Štětí understand a number ofgeophysical phenomena and the internal structure of the earth, but also very valuable in theresearch on great natural disasters, such as the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Recently, I have engaged in the research work of gravity and tilt tides on theobservations, collection and the corresponding data processing. 48 低漂移便携式微机多道能谱仪的研制 60 低膨胀导电陶瓷的制备和性能的分析 下载所得到的文件列表低频信号的精确采集和处理. Using of observationequipments existing observation platforms, we acquired a large number of tidal information půjčky Štětí. půjcka před výplatou od 18 letters
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